Upper Thames Ventilation Complex - London - Oct 2013


Some months back I noticed the front door was open so I snuck in during a my lunch break for a quick look down the "tunnel" which runs the length of the road and took a few pics. Further down I stumbled into the plant room containing a massive set of fans so I think it's fair to say this whole area is meant for tunnel ventilation. Not so sure why this tunnel counts for such a complex ventilation system but who knows?

It's all a bit large on the concrete and quite modern rather than what I prefer, a nice, easy access derposlore, but it turned out to be ok, in fact the place is actually quite photogenic.


The only polite way in.

A long corridor space running next to the road once through the door.

Up and over the steps.

Round the bend.

Through the concrete tubing.

And at the other end, don't get wet feet.

In the plant room.

Vent fans.

I took a mate back a week later only to find it all locked up.